Most of our board members are parents or siblings of children with special needs who recognise the enormous impact of Step by Step on its beneficiaries.Given their genuine understanding of the cause, combined with their valuable business acumen and community-wide contributions, they are uniquely qualified to serve at the helm of the charity and help us attain our vision.

Rabbi Hager
Chair of Trustees
Dedicating 10 years of summer and winter holidays to volunteering at a Summer camp for children with disabilities has motivated Rabbi Hager, NPQH to join our Trustee board. He brings with him 20 years of educational experience in different leadership positions at Hasmonean High School.

Mr Motti Friesel
Trustee and Medical Advisor
Director of Refuah Diagnostics and as a Senior Ambulance Technician volunteer for Hatzola. Having joined our affiliated Camp Horizon summer and winter sleepaway camps, he has seven years authentic hands-on experience with children of special needs.

Mr Leibel Schlesingerr
Mr Schlesinger is the brother of a delightful young man, Duvid-who suffers from developmental delays. Mr Schlesinger brings his extensive experience in governance and management as a senior director of development as AIHA, a housing association.

Mr Ben Zion Hofstatter
Father of an adorable young daughter with special needs. Mr Hofstatter is a businessman by profession, but a community activist by choice and his involvement in our — and other — local charities have been an asset to the infrastructure.

Mrs Rachel Margulies
Development worker at the Interlink Foundation and years of experience and engagement in the Voluntary & Community sector. Mrs Margulies’ expertise in the field — especially in accessing funding — has proven invaluable.

Mrs Ruth Erblich
Trustee and Treasurer
Chartered accountant who also works as a Benefits Officer and Advisor at Agudas Israel Community Services, supporting people in accessing benefits and advocating for those who are not successful.
Our staff and carers are skilled dedicated workers who have chosen to work at Step by Step out of passion, rather than merely as a profession. Seeing the professional and patient way they tend to the children makes you grateful that there are such gentle, gifted individuals in this world.

Mrs Esther Hoffman
Is AAT Level-4 qualified and has 10 years experience in the youth and charity sectors. Her drive and determination as she reaches for the stars on a day-to-day level have propelled the charity forward in an unbelievable way.

Mrs Malky Landau
Volunteer Co-ordinator
Mrs Chani Pshemish
Mr Mark Grosskopf
Teen Boys Manager
Mrs Friedy Tesler
Accounts Receivables
Mrs Malky Deutsch
Sports Manager
Miss Yitty Engel
Finance Manager
Mrs Esti Niederman
Admin Support
Mrs Ruchi Kahan
Head of ServicesOur parent body is essential to the fulfilment of our vision, with a dedicated steering committee overseeing each division. This parental connection fosters an excellent two-way partnership, ensuring any interests or concerns are fully addressed.
Mrs Miriam Josovic
Parent liaison
Mrs C Schlesinger
Younger children
Mrs C E Gluck
Representing Hackney Users
Mrs R Ollech
Older girls
Mrs M Stern
Older boys
Mrs C Kahan
Bikur Cholim case worker
Mrs S Kahan
Haringey users’ representative
Mrs E Reiner,
Younger Children