Step By Step


Toby secured the 7am slot at the local swimming pool and climbed into a cabbie at the crack of dawn with four more boys like hers.

And as the sun rose that morn, the innovative charity Step by Step was born.

Her phone rang off the hook. Apparently other mothers of children with special needs were buckling under their emotional and physical overwhelm.

Toby enlisted fellow doer Mrs Feigy Schisha, and they set up a schedule of sports and activities to keep these charming but challenging children stimulated whenever schools were closed, while granting their families respite and the chance to ‘just be’.
Mrs Toby Walzer, mother of two charming sons with autism, did not know she had the strength to face her challenges. But her resolve — and chutzpah — was unquenchable. So when her sons were climbing the walls and hurtling bucketfuls down the stairs, she knew it was time for more than just the 9 to 3.30 school day.

Step By Step


Today Step by Step supports 220 plus families. We are the only local special needs out-of-school Jewish charity:

Our hub is open every day of the year, including after school, Shabbat + Jewish holidays, the week before Passover, summer + winter holidays, with divisions by age and ability to best meet every child’s needs.

Imagine a world where parents and siblings hold out their arms in excitement to welcome their special sibling home every evening?

That’s what happens when you share our burden. You enable the family to rejuvenate and enjoy a few hours of undisturbed bonding — sans accidents, flare-ups, meltdowns — to be ready to face the music again.

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